The Florida School Breakfast Program
The Florida School Breakfast Program
Getting Principles and Administrators Involved
How to Engage Principals & Administrators:
Provide school breakfast participation rates to principals, as they often are unaware of how few students participate in school breakfast.
Show principals and administrators first-hand how alternative delivery breakfast models work by organizing a visit to a school that operates one of the alternative breakfast models.
Enlist a network of other supportive administrators from nearby districts or other schools in the district to spread the message of how alternative delivery breakfast models increase participation dramatically and support student health and learning.
What Principals & Administrators Can Do:
Provide administrative leadership and support to ensure that every school in the district offers breakfast and that every student has the opportunity to eat.
Include school breakfast participation as a measure of success for each school building administrator.
Develop and implement effective School Wellness Policies that include ensuring that no child begins the school day hungry.
Seek input from Food Service Staff on the timing of breakfast and lunch to maximize participation.
Ask superintendents to send a letter to principals in their district describing the value of alternative breakfast service models or incorporate a presentation about breakfast in the classroom into meetings or trainings.
Expand your voice in the fight against hunger. Invite your elected officials to visit your breakfast program and let them know the value it provides to your school and community, and highlight any unique delivery ideas which you employ. Elected officials can be valuable resources in turning bright ideas into policy.